Why is regular school attendance so important?
At Stoke Heath Primary School, we value the attendance of all pupils. There is a strong relationship between good school attendance and achieveing positive outcomes for children. It is recognised that attending school regularly can be a protective factor for children and young people. It is important that as a school we offer a safe environment, positive relationships, high quality teaching and learning opportunities to develop social and emotional skills.
Ensuring that children attend school every day will help achieve this ambition by maximising their education and social achievements as well as developing self discipline, organisation and preparedness for the work environment. Improving attendance and reducing absence, especially persistent absence is a priority for our school and Coventry City Council.
90% attendance sounds good, but means that your child misses one half day each week.
That’s nearly 4 weeks every school year!
You can read our Attendance Policy here. Our Families Team work closely with children and parents around attendance so that each child can achieve their full potential.
By law, all children of compulsory school age must receive a suitable full-time education. Once your child is registered at school, you are legally responsible for making sure that they attend regularly. If your child fails to do so, you risk getting a penalty notice or being prosecuted. You also need to think about the negative impact upon the following:
their learning
their friendships
their self-esteem and confidence.
Lessons follow a sequence of learning. Missing a day learning interrupts that sequence for your child and they can find it difficult to catch up when they are back in school.
How to report a pupil’s absence
If your child is too ill to be at school, you will need to use the free Studybugs app to report their absence. You can download the app from the Apple App Store, Google Play, and Microsoft. Get the app.
Good punctuality shows respect for school rules, teachers and other children.
Also, being on time:
Gets your day off to a good start
Sets positive patterns and routines for the future
helps your children make the most of their learning
helps children to develop a sense of responsibility for themselves and others
If your child is regularly late - by as little as 3 minutes a day - this can add up to more than a day’s learning missed per month.
Can we also remind parents and carers that the school gates are open from 8.30a.m and the classroom doors open at 8.40am, school starts at 8.45am. The school day finishes at 3.15pm. Your child’s learning starts promptly and registers close at 8.50 a.m. After this time, your child will be late.
We reward children who attend school regularly. Throughout the year there are many opportunities for children to win exciting prizes and celebrate good punctuality and attendance.
Holidays in Term Time
In line with our school policy, holidays in term time will not be authorised. All requests for exceptional leave must be requested in writing to the headteacher by using this form.
Leave requested for exceptional circumstances may be authorised at the discretion of the head teacher.
You can check term dates on the Coventry City Council website.
Fixed Penalty Notice
Fixed penalty notices can be issued to parent or carers if the children in their care are absent from school for any of the following reasons:
holiday/leave taken during term-time
irregular attendance including persistent late arrival to school (after registers have closed)
The Local Authority will issue a fine of £60 for each child to each parent or carer. If the fine is not paid within 21 days, another £60 fine will be issued. Both must be paid within 28 days of the date that the original fine was issued.
Families Team
Our Family Team are here to support our families in any way possible. If you find you are having difficulties getting your child/children to school or being on time, please approach the school and let us know. We can work directly with your child/children or look to put support plans in place to help promote good school attendance.