Equality Information
The Public sector equality duty came in to force in April 2011 (s.149 of the Equality Act 2010) and are required to achieve the objectives set out under s149 of the Equality Act 2010 to:
(a) eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010;
(b) advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;
(c) foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
How do we comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty?
The equality information and objectives below are reviewed annually. A downladable version is available here.
1. Aims
Our school aims to meet its obligations under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) by having due regard to the need to:
Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
Foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
2. Legislation and guidance
This document meets the requirements under the following legislation:
The Equality Act 2010, which introduced the Public Sector Equality Duty and protects people from discrimination
The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011, which require schools to publish information to demonstrate how they are complying with the Public Sector Equality Duty and to publish equality objectives
This document is also based on Department for Education (DfE) guidance: The Equality Act 2010 and schools.
3. Roles and responsibilities
The governing board will:
Ensure that the equality information and objectives as set out in this statement are published and communicated throughout the school, including to staff, pupils and parents
Ensure that the published equality information is updated at least every year, and that the objectives are reviewed and updated at least every 4 years
Delegate responsibility for monitoring the achievement of the objectives on a daily basis to the headteacher
The headteacher will:
Promote knowledge and understanding of the equality objectives among staff and pupils
Monitor success in achieving the objectives and report back to governors
All school staff are expected to have regard to this document and to work to achieve the objectives as set out in section 8.
4. Eliminating discrimination
The school is aware of its obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and complies with non-discrimination provisions.
Where relevant, our policies include reference to the importance of avoiding discrimination and other prohibited conduct.
Staff and governors are regularly reminded of their responsibilities under the Equality Act – for example, during meetings. Where this has been discussed during a meeting it is recorded in the meeting minutes.
New staff receive training on the Equality Act as part of their induction, and all staff receive refresher training every year.
The school has a designated member of staff for monitoring equality issues, and an equality link governor. They regularly liaise regarding any issues and make senior leaders and governors aware of these as appropriate.
5. Advancing equality of opportunity
As set out in the DfE guidance on the Equality Act, the school aims to advance equality of opportunity by:
Removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people that are connected to a particular characteristic they have (e.g., pupils with disabilities, or gay pupils who are being subjected to homophobic bullying)
Taking steps to meet the particular needs of people who have a particular characteristic (e.g., supporting older Muslim pupils who choose to fast during Ramadan)
Encouraging people who have a particular characteristic to participate fully in any activities (e.g., encouraging all pupils to be involved in the full range of after school clubs)
In fulfilling this aspect of the duty, the school will:
Publish attainment data each academic year showing how pupils with different characteristics are performing
Analyse the above data to determine strengths and areas for improvement, implement actions in response and publish this information
Make evidence available identifying improvements for specific groups (e.g., declines in racist incidents)
6. Fostering good relations
The school aims to foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and those who do not share it by:
Promoting tolerance, friendship and understanding of a range of religions and cultures through different aspects of our curriculum. This includes teaching in RE, citizenship and personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education, but also activities in other curriculum areas. For example, as part of teaching and learning in English/reading, pupils will be introduced to literature from a range of cultures
Holding assemblies dealing with relevant issues. Pupils will be encouraged to take a lead in such assemblies and we will also invite external speakers to contribute
Working with our local community. This includes inviting leaders of local faith groups to speak, and organising school trips and activities based around the local community
Encouraging and implementing initiatives to deal with tensions between different groups of pupils within the school. For example, our school council has representatives from different year groups and is formed of pupils from a range of backgrounds. All pupils are encouraged to participate in the school’s activities, such as sports clubs. We also work with parents to promote knowledge and understanding of different cultures
7. Equality considerations in decision-making
The school ensures it has due regard to equality considerations whenever significant decisions are made.
The school always considers the impact of significant decisions on particular groups. For example, when a school trip or activity is being planned, the school considers whether the trip:
Cuts across any religious holidays
Is accessible to pupils with disabilities
Has equivalent facilities for boys and girls
The school keeps a written record (known as an Equality Impact Assessment) to show we have actively considered our equality duties and asked ourselves relevant questions. This is recorded at the same time as the risk assessment when planning school trips and activities. The record is completed by the member of staff organising the activity and is stored electronically with the completed risk assessment.
8. School Context
The nature of the school population and context to inform action planning for the equality scheme (derived from 2011 Census):
·Stoke Heath Primary School is in the Upper Stoke Ward in Coventry. Upper Stoke has 18,373 residents and 66% of households are described as ‘deprived’ (2011 Census)
68.9% of the residents are White British and 80.7% of residents have English as their main language. 11.7% households have no people who have English as their main language
6.9% residents have no qualifications which is higher than the City average.
Upper Stoke has a growing rate of unemployment at 8.1% (March 2011), compared with 4.1% in Sept 2008.
Characteristics of the pupils
The characteristics of the pupils in the schools is always changing.
The number of PP children has increased significalty since the COVID 19 pandemic
Up to date information about the current cohort can be found in the Head Teacher’s report.
Characteristics of the pupils
The characteristics of the pupils in the schools is always changing.
The number of PP children has increased significalty since the COVID 19 pandemic
Up to date information about the current cohort can be found in the Head Teacher’s report.
9. Equality objectives
Objective 1
Increase participation of disadvantaged pupils in after-school activities, including clubs and camps.
Why we have chosen this objective: We have a wide variety of clubs and activities on offer to appeal to children’s varying interests. We believe that these events can have a positive impact on all children and so want to ensure that all children benefit from them.
To achieve this objective, we plan to: Consider barriers to attending clubs/camps that may prevent disadvantaged children from participating and eliminate these where possible.
Ensure all children are offered an after-school club across the academic year and monitor participation. Encourage all children to attend camps across the year.
Contact will be made with individuals as needed to discuss participation.
Progress we are making towards this objective: Clubs analysis now shows which children attend to support with marketing and conversations.
A robust plan is in place to support children attending residentials.
Objective 2
Narrow the gap in performance of pupils with disabilities
Why we have chosen this objective: Data for children with disabilities suggests that they are not performing as well as others in their peer groups.
To achieve this objective, we plan to: Closely monitor the attainment and progress of children with disabilities through data captures. Discuss these children specifically in PPMs and ensure appropriate steps are taken to accelerate progress. E.g., interventions.
Progress we are making towards this objective: Data for these children have has been captures and will be analysed over the year.
Objective 3
Reduce the number of homophobic incidents
Why we have chosen this objective: Whilst homophobic incidents are not common, they do still occur.
To achieve this objective, we plan to: Ensure all homophobic incidents are recorded on CPOMs and that a restorative conversation has taken place with the children involved. Parents and carers will be made aware of any such incidents. Homosexual relationships will be covered in the teaching and discussions within PSHE lessons and assemblies.
Progress we are making towards this objective: The PSHE curriculum which was introduced in the 2020/21 academic year is now fully implemented across the school.
Objective 4
Ensure there is equality of opportunity for all staff to access training.
Why we have chosen this objective: Access to CPD is vital for all members of staff and is a whole school priority.
To achieve this objective, we plan to: Be proactive in identifying any barriers which may prevent any staff from accessing training and consider ways to overcome these either for individuals or for groups with any of the protected characteristics. Monitor attendance records for training and identify any patterns in individuals or groups who are unable to participate. Discuss relevant training with staff during appraisals.
Progress we are making towards this objective: Training needs are discussed during appraisals and reviews.
10. Monitoring arrangements
This document will be reviewed by headteacher every year.
This document will be approved by the governing body.
11. Links with other policies
This document links to the following policies:
Accessibility plan
Risk assessment