School Dinners
The school operates a Family Service lunchtime where social skills and good manners are actively promoted. Free school meals are offered for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children as part of the Universal Free School Meals Scheme. Families in receipt of Income Support or Income based Job Seekers allowance are entitled to free meals for their children. If you are unsure of how to claim your entitlement, please see the school office as soon as possible.
We advise you to claim your free meals even if you decide to send your child with a packed lunch from home or take him/her home for dinner. Part of every school’s budget share depends on the uptake of free meals. By claiming your entitlement you ensure that the school is financed as well as possible.
If you wish to pay for a school meal this needs to be paid using the My Child at School App, if you need support setting this up please speak to the school office. Please ensure that meals are paid for by a Monday morning each week or alternatively you are able to pay more should you wish. The current price of a meal is £2.30 per day, £11.50 each week.
It is very important that we know in advance if your child is going to be late. Dinner numbers are given to the cook by 10am, so any child arriving after this time may not be able to get a meal.
If your child is bringing a packed lunch to school, it should not include chewing gum, which is not allowed at any part of the school day, or sweets. Our Families Team can provide you with more advice about healthy packed lunches if needed.
However, children can bring treats for a special occasion, such as to celebrate their birthday. Each phase will determine when it is appropriate for these sweets to be given out.
Treats may be provided for school events, such as discos and movie nights. Parents will be informed beforehand if this is to happen and whether they would like their child to be included.