We are Readers!
At Stoke Heath, we know that reading for pleasure is a vital part of a child’s life.
Reading for pleasure opens up new worlds for children. It gives them the opportunity to use their imagination to explore new ideas, visit new places, and meet new characters. Interestingly, reading for pleasure also improves children’s well-being and empathy. It helps them to understand their own identity, and gives them an insight into the world and the views of others.
Oxford Owl
Teachers read aloud stories, poems and rhymes every day.
Children have access to high quality texts in book corners and reading areas around the school.
We work with the Coventry Library Service to ensure we have quality texts in our reading areas linked to our wider curriculum.
Our cosy library allows children to access a range of fiction and non-fiction books. We allow children access to the library during lunchtimes and they can visit the library with parents/carers at the end of the school day.
The Stoke Heath community can access our book swap shed throughout the day.
Every term, we run a book fair with a range of classic and modern texts to purchase.
Children take part in book events such as the Coventry Book Inspiration awards and the Coventry Library quiz.
Every term, we run parent reading events where parents can watch how we teach reading and they are supported with how to encourage children to read at home.
Children have the opportunity to meet authors and learn how authors write books.
Home Reading Books
All children will bring home at least 2 books:
A reading book matched to phonics ability or an age related text
A library book which can be shared with adults at home
When an adult at school or at home, hears a child read, they will record this in their planner. Children in Years 2 to 6 should read at least five times a day. In Reception and Year 1, books are sent home on Friday to be read at the weekend and returned at the beginning of the following week.