
“Members of the governing body have a good understanding of the work of the school, including its strengths and areas for development. They provide robust challenge and hold leaders to account. They are very supportive of you and your leadership team and share your vision of providing high-quality education to all pupils.”

— Ofsted


The Governing Board has two focus meetings each term - Quality and Standards and Resource Management.

  • Parent Governors are elected by parents

  • Co-opted governors are appointed by the Governing Board

  • The Local Authority Governor is nominated by the Local Authority

  • The Staff Governor is elected by the Staff.

  • The term of office is four years.


Name Role Term of Office Business Interests Financial Interests
Mat Clark Chair 28.01.21-27.01.25 Madrigal Organisational Safety None
Nick Mort Vice Chair 01.09.23-01.09.27 None None
Calie Smith Co-opted 01.09.20-19.09.26 None None
Addas Zulfiqar Parent Governor 15.10.21-14.10.25 None None
Saeeda Tauseef Parent Governor 15.10.15-27.11.27 None None
Louise Littlewood Staff Governor 14.10.24-13.10.28 None None
Rebecca Stewart LA Link Governor 06.11.18-05.12.26 Trophy Me None
Kathy von Rabenau Co-opted Governor 22.09.22-21.09.26 None None
Sharon Jolly Co-opted Governor 21.09.23-20.09.27 None None
Soloman Agyapong Parent Governor 28.11.23-27.11.27) None None

Staff Dismissal

Becki Stewart, Kathy von Rabenau, Calie Smith

Staff Dismissal Appeal

Nick Mort, Saeeda Tauseef, Mat Clark

Headteacher Performance Management

Calie Smith/Nick Mort (Mat Clark to take over during the year from Calie Smith)

Performance and Appraisal

Calie Smith, Becki Stewart, Mat Clark

Safeguarding/Child Protection (including LAC and attendance)

Kathy von Rabenau/Mat Clark

SEND and inclusion/LAC

Nick Mort/SaeedaTauseef

Link Governor

Becki Stewart/Addas Zulfiqar

Sharing Protocol

Louise Kelman

Health & Safety and Premises

Sharon Jolly/Louise Littlewood

The Governor Support Service is part of the Education Improvement and Standards Service within the Local Authority and is committed to providing an effective service to improve the Governance of educational establishments in Coventry and the surrounding area.

Click the image to find out more about the role of a school governor and how to apply.