New to Stoke Heath
Welcome to Stoke Heath. We are thrilled and excited that you have chosen to join our school. The happiness, well-being and achievement of each child is our main concern and we believe that every child can achieve and succeed in reaching their full potential. We have an enthusiastic, committed teaching and non-teaching staff team at Stoke Heath who work hard to ensure that all pupils thrive.
Children in the Stoke Heath family are happy, they thrive at school and develop a strong ethos of achievement. We strive to create an exciting, stimulating learning environment, through a broad and balanced curriculum that stimulates and engages the children in their learning.
School Hours
Morning Nursery: 8.30 am - 11.30 am
Afternoon Nursery: 12.15 pm - 3.15 pm
Reception, KS1 and KS2: 8.45 am - 3.15 pm
School Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8.00 am - 4.30 pm
Safeguarding, Child Protection and Child Safety
Children’s safety is paramount and the school has a duty to act to protect the child at all times. There may be occasions when the school has to consult with other agencies or pass on information, without a partner’s prior knowledge.
We follow the procedures in our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy, approved by the Governing Body, and those laid down by the Local Children’s Safeguarding Board.
The school is part of ‘Operation Encompass’ which involves schol working jointly with West Midlands Police. In the event the police are called to an incident of domestic abuse, school are notified on the next working day.
Collecting your child at the end of the school day
We ask parents to let us know who will be collecting their child at the end of the school day, and if there are any changes to this arrangement, please confirm by telephone by midday.
If you would like an older sibling to pick up your child from school, you will need to complete a form from the school office. Children from Year 5 onwards can walk home on their own with written permission from their parent/carer.
Parking and Traffic
The school’s car park is strictly for staff only. We ask parents to park well away from the school entrance to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our children at all times. Heath Crescent is a very busy road and we ask parents to cross at the pedestrian crossing to ensure the safety of you and your children.
All children are expected to wear the Stoke Heath school uniform on non-PE days. On the day that the children have PE they will need to wear their PE kit.
On health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. The exception to this rule are small plain gold or silver studs in pierced ears, small discreet watches and small objects of religious significance.
We may ask the children to either remove these items during PE and games, or cover them in line with our PE/Health and Safety policies, to prevent them from causing injury.
We also ask children not to bring valuables to school as unfortunately we cannot accept responsibility for any loss.
Health and Medication
Children who have medical appointments must be collected by an adult. They will be signed out of school. They should return to school as soon as possible after the appointment.
We ask parents to make routine medical appointments outside of the normal school hours.
Medication can be administered to children during the day only if a form is completed by a parent in advance at the School Office.
All medication must be prescribed by a doctor in the original bottle/package and the child’s name clearly visible on it.
The School Nurse is available to support with any child health issues.
First Aid
Minor accidents are dealt with by our qualified First Aiders. If your child has received first aid, you will receive an email detailing the incident and treatment given. For more severe injuries, you will be telephoned as soon as possible. Therefore, it is important that we have your email address and most up-to-date contact details.
All children must be in school every day. Good attendance and punctuality is extremely important, if your child is going to reach their full potential. Lessons at Stoke Heath start promptly and every day counts!
If your child has to be away from school due to illness, you are required to inform us before 8.30 am every day that they are unable to attend school.
Absence due to illness must only be when your child could not reasonably manage learning in the classroom due to their symptoms, their physical condition, or when they could be an infection risk to others.
In these circumstances, please contact the school via our online app - Studybugs. If you do not have access to the app, please call the Pupil Absence Line: 02475 264670.
Family Team
The Family Team work closely together to provide parents and pupils with the skills you need to achieve your goals and overcome barriers. Del Bowen is our Pastoral Lead and supports parents through difficult times; be it financial support, mental health, relationship breakdowns, behaviour management or just to provide a listening ear.
Del also runs workshops tackling domestic abuse, improving family learning, providing behaviour strategies and toilet training sessions.
The team has three Learning Mentors who work with families and children on: attendance; support from external agencies; one to one intervention in confidence and mental health. We also run a community shop each Thursday where families can purchase food for a reduced price.
Meeting Needs
The school is committed to equal opportunities for all. We work together with parents to support pupils to make the best possible progress. Where appropriate, the school involves outside agencies, parental permission, to help children who are experiencing social, learning, emotional or behavioural difficulties.
We carefully monitor the provision and progress of all children, including those who are more able and those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, seeking external advice when needed.
Behaviour Policy
Behaviour at Stoke Heath is good and we are proud of the behaviour the children at our school community show whether in class, on the playground or when representing our school.
We believe that good relationships between children and staff is the most important factor to create this and we expect staff to prioritise making and maintaining these relationships with all children in their care.
We also believe that good relationships between school and home ensure a consistent approach which supports children’s development and we work hard to build and maintain these relationships with our parents.
The school promotes healthy eating and offers a varied selection of food. Children may choose to have a hot meal prepared in school or bring a healthy packed lunch.
School meals must be paid for in advance by each Monday morning via the School Gateway payment system. Children choose their meal during morning registration.
Free school meals are available for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Families may be entitled to free school meals for older children if eligible for certain benefits.
We urge you to claim your free school meals even if you decide to send your child with a packed lunch. Part of the school’s budget depends on the registration of free school meals. By claiming your entitlement you ensure the school is financed as well as possible.
Charges and Remissions
The school recognises the importance of educational visits and experiences. We do our best to subsidise these costs where we can, but we do ask for voluntary contributions to cover costs.
Parents will be asked to pay towards the cost of repairs/replacement of equipment that has been deliberately damaged by their child. A sum may be charged for the replacement of lost books or resources.
Parental Involvement
The school holds an open door policy and welcomes parent involvement on all levels. We are here to support you and to support your child in getting the best education and for this we need your support.
We have extensive provision through the Stoke Heath Family Centre to support you and your family.
We welcome parents and families to award assemblies, whether they are in person or online.
Each year group also produces a special assembly or performance each year which families are warmly welcomed to.
There are regular newsletters during the year, and lots of information is posted on our social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
We hold regular parent events, and we would love 100% of parental engagement to support the teacher/parent relationship. Look out for the information on the newsletter.
We have two Parents Consultation evenings each year, an opportunity for parents to talk to teachers in the summer term.
A written School Report is emailed home once a year.
Parents are invited to contact the school at any time for an appointment to discuss any issues of concern. You will also see members of the leadership team on the playground in the morning and after school. Please let us know if we can help in anyway.
Parent Teacher Association
The school has a PTA which is committed to raising funds to provide ‘extras’ for the children to enjoy. Your support is very much needed to help to organise and support events. Please ask at the School Office for further information, if you are able to help!
Children start their education at Stoke Heath at a variety of different points. Whether your child joins us in Nursery, Reception or at any point in Key Stage 1 or 2, you will be made welcome! A home visit is organised for all new starters to enable us to get to know your child as an individual.
We link with local Nurseries when children transfer into our Reception classes. We have good links with our local Secondary schools and work together with them to support our Year 6 children when they are moving to their next stage of education.
If you have any enquiries regarding admissions to Secondary Schools, please contact the Education and Libraries Directorate on 02476 831622 or 02476 832499.
Translation Service
We are pleased to be able to try to arrange for interpreters and/or translation of any school document. Please contact the school office to arrange this.
We hope that you find this information useful and if there is anything else that you would like to know then please ask a member of staff.