Easter Bonnet Parade
Stoke Heath Primary School will be holding their annual Easter Bonnet Parade on Wednesday 29th March for all children in Nursery (NA and NB), Reception, and Year 1.
All children in these year groups can make an Easter bonnet or hat at home. They can then bring it in and join their friends to parade their bonnets to the parents.
This is a lovely event that parents have enjoyed attending over the years and the children (and parents!) are always very proud of their creations.
The children will need to bring their bonnets or hats into school on either the day of the parade or, if made before, Tuesday 28th March.
Times for the parades will be as follows:
Wednesday 29th March - 9.00 am - 10.00 am
RA, NA morning, NB morning, and 1A classes
Wednesday 29th March - 1.45 pm - 2.45 pm
RB, NA afternoon, NB afternoon, and 1B classes